Tuesday, October 17, 2017

'Maraindong' Bandarban's

 A group of 18 people have been involved in this. I went to Bandarban's 'Marine Dong' mountain. But to the locals it is 'Mariyan Tong'. The height of the hill ranges from 1,640 feet to the sea level. With the GPS readings said so! The hill fell into the Mirina range of Alikadam upazila of Bandarban district. Our camping will be at the peak of this hill.

I arrived in Chittagong from the morning and reached noon on Marine Dong foot. People from Marma and Tripura communities reside here in Sheelbunia area. Occasionally some Bengali settlements can also be seen.At lunch we started eating food on our hill. Any part of the hill has climbed to the top vertically, and gradually dropped down a bit slowly or gradually. There are many indigenous people living in this hill. Among them, Tripura, Marma and Murong are one of the biggest. Marmara is under this mountain. And on the hills of the mountains, Murongs are laid. They live on the slopes of their houses by making their houses. Their tangle is slightly above the ground. Under these houses there are various cattle like cows, goats, pigs, chickens. Sometimes, along with cattle, as well as the necessary fuel wood is kept piled.Besides the hills, Bengalis are also dependent on this mountain for their daily income-earning. Many of the Bengalis earn their livelihood by selling hill-laden Muli bamboo. There is also a lot of tobacco production in this region. In other words, tobacco cultivation has exceeded rice cultivation. But tobacco cultivation is mainly on the ground level. 

It was almost evening to reach the top of the mountain. The entire winter fatigue of the evening was destroyed by the cold winds. After reaching the tent here, we set the tent first. Then I went on to burn the fire. A Buddhist temple at the top of the mountain. Run around and open upwards. It has a huge Buddha statue. The place is also a wonderful place as a tourist spot. The upper part is flat. The mountain and the hills as far as the distance is visible from here. The population is peeping through the gap between them. The Matamuhhari river is flowing down like a snake. On both of its plains, crop fields can be seen. We are fascinated by the beauty of the hill!The night menu was the Khichuri and Naga pepper mango rituals. The story continued until many nights. The laugh and the murderers go on. Then sleepEverybody got up in the morning to wake him up. Surajima's first meeting from the peak of the mountain can not be missed. However, due to the cloud, there has to be disappointing due to the clouds. Even then, it was not difficult to enjoy the wonderful nature of that time. These days, bricks and stones are not available in the city every day. The breakfast begins in the morning, to our plane. Next destination is the tunnel of Ali. She is another story. That is to be raised for another day.
 Take plenty of water, glucose, saline, dry food, frost aid box, along with necessary medicines. If you want to cook, take the necessary materials, matches and fuel. There will be no shortage of dry wood to burn the fire. If you want to camping at night, take a tent, sleeping bag, light shirt. Because in the summer season it is a little cold in the hills and in the hills. Before reaching the hill, get the local administration informed about their motives after getting the local administration. If they have any suggestions, listen carefully to them. If you want to go to the hills or camping, keep informed about the headmen of the concerned side. If possible, ask for a phone number from them. You can then inform them if they need help. Do not lay or tear some of the hilly hills or flower trees in the neighborhood around the pavement without permission. If you need to buy it. It can be found cheaper. Do the best to get permission for taking photographs of the hills. If you cook on the mountain, do it carefully. So that the fire does not spread everywhere. Chips, biscuits, pickles or other dry packs of packets must be collected and brought down. 
How to go
 From Dhaka to Chittagong, any bus will have to go to Chittagong. Rent Tk 550 Then, from the local bus stand of Bahaddarhat, you will have to leave the bus of Cox's Bazar on Chakaria bus stand. Rent 170 taka If you want to go directly from Cox's Bazar bus to Dhaka, you can go straight to Chakaria bus stand. Then there will be the Alaikamagami bus or Chand's car in Lama upazila, crossing Phansiyakhali to referee market. If you want to rent the whole chand car. Revenue per person is 60 taka From the referee market to the local vehicle or to walk on the foot of Marine Dong mountain foot. Then, on the top of the mountain, you will have to walk. Thank you. if there is any mistake in writing, then forgive me.

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